(Akogun) Akin Ogunmowo

Simi Idowu-Ajibodu & Family's Tribute


What is there not to say about our beloved Uncle! Not only is he kind and generous, he is hands on, patient and a great conversationalist.


From bonding over home-made Green Smoothies whilst ‘Laja’ (Laja – our private Joke) was cooking inside my belly- to being a great supporter of my Chef Dreams, Uncle Akin has shown his genuine love for my family and I.


I wish Uncle Akin all the great success that life has to offer and may Almighty Allah continue to grant him peace, love and strength. 60 is only the beginning and I am excited to see the way you flourish into the next phase of your life!


Have an amazing 60th Birthday!


Love & Light, 

Simi Idowu-Ajibodu & Family